Remote personal monitoring (RPM) is a technology to enable monitoring of persons outside of conventional clinical settings.
We connect to existing Bluetooth devices (iHealth pulse oximeter, iHealth BP cuff, FitBit) and interface with their software or apps to collect and consolidate data from these devices so you can check your own basic vital signs, such as temperature, blood pressure, oxygen level, pulse and weight, all on one app. This information is then sent to the cloud where your monitoring team can view and analyze the trends in your day to day activity. Data collected also includes your e-mail and phone number for two way communication purposes.
The MiHEALTH Monitoring System uses advanced monitoring technology combined with artificial intelligence (as well as real person intelligence) to monitor your day to day activity and vitals. By processing this information, we can understand your basic activity level and pick up on when you deviate from your normal patterns.
With the MiHEALTH Monitoring app, your monitoring team can ask health questions to get a more complete picture of your day-to-day health. Your monitoring team can also use the MiHEALTH app to communicate via text, voice or video.
NOTE: MiHealth app is designed for general fitness and wellness purposes, and is not a medical device. Current compatible devices are iHealth Air Pulse Oximeter, iHealth Track and Ease blood pressure cuff, and all Fitbit models.